UBCOIN – Bagus untuk Belanja

Opera Snapshot_2018-04-23_222800_doc.ubcoin.io.png

Selamat siang, Tuan dan Nyonya! Di sini kami memiliki mata uang kripto, tetapi Anda akan setuju, tidak ada cukup kesempatan untuk membayar dengan pembeliannya secara langsung, tanpa perdagangan di bursa saham, penarikan ke kartu dan sebagainya. Tentang proyek, yang akan memberi kita kesempatan seperti itu, dan kita akan bicara.
Ubcoin Market adalah situs blockbuster di mana pengguna dapat membeli barang dan jasa menggunakan token internal (UBC), sudah berfungsi dan mendapatkan kepercayaan di antara mereka yang menggunakannya. Saya juga mencatat bahwa proyek ini dibuat oleh perusahaan yang telah memiliki hampir 10 tahun kerja gabungan dan terkoordinasi dalam bidang ini, serta proyek-proyek seperti Navifon (aplikasi mobile navigasi) dan Ubank, yang berjumlah lebih dari 2,5 juta pengguna di seluruh dunia.
Itulah mengapa Ubcoin sudah dalam tahap awal keberadaannya telah mendapatkan popularitas:

  • Ubcoin Market bersatu dalam satu platform penjual dan pembeli yang akan berinteraksi satu sama lain tanpa perantara. Berkat ini, kita akan dapat mengamati harga yang memadai di pasar.
  • Kondisi yang sangat penting untuk barang dan jasa yang dijual di Ubcoin adalah legalitas mereka. Untuk memantau kemungkinan pelanggaran, teknologi dikembangkan menggunakan kecerdasan buatan.
  • Dalam waktu dekat, direncanakan untuk memperkenalkan prosedur KYC, serta AML, yang akan memungkinkan untuk mengatur pada platform komunitas penjual dan perusahaan perdagangan yang jujur dan terbuka, serta pembeli dan kurir.
  • Penggunaan teknologi pemblokiran telah membuka jalan untuk transaksi terdesentralisasi yang aman, transparan dan cepat, data yang akan dicatat dalam kontrak cerdas. Saat ini, tidak ada yang lebih aman.
  • Aplikasi ini memiliki antarmuka yang jelas dan indah, memungkinkan Anda melakukan pembelian dengan kecepatan maksimum
  • Pencarian cerdas, memungkinkan Anda menemukan produk berdasarkan lokasi geografis, harga, ulasan, dll. Opera Snapshot_2018-04-23_222902_doc.ubcoin.io.png
    Saya juga ingin berbicara tentang kemampuan penjual dan pembeli platform ini:


  • Kemampuan untuk mengelola dan melihat akun Anda
  • Alat yang sederhana dan efektif untuk membuat dan mengelola penjualan;
  • Metode berbeda untuk mempromosikan iklan Anda
  • Statistik visual dari setiap iklan (komentar, pandangan, dll.)


  • Kemampuan untuk melihat riwayat pembelian;
  • Bagian “Favorit” yang nyaman, serta menyimpan riwayat pencarian sebelumnya;
  • Bagian rekomendasi yang diatur oleh kecerdasan buatan dan berdasarkan preferensi Anda
  • Informasi rinci tentang setiap produk, status dan transaksi statusnya track-nya
    akan mengingatkan bahwa semua transaksi keuangan yang dilakukan pada platform menggunakan token UBC (ERC 20). Penjual menetapkan harga dalam token, pembeli membeli. Informasi tentang transaksi dicatat dalam kontrak cerdas, dana ditransfer ke rekening setelah barang diterima dengan sukses. Semuanya sederhana dan jelas, tidak ada perantara dan informasi yang tidak perlu.

Jangan lupa bahwa baik pembeli dan penjual akan dapat memperdagangkan token di bursa dan menarik dana ke Fiat.
Seperti yang kita lihat, tim telah menempatkan banyak usaha dalam proyek mereka benar-benar bertemu semua standar dan kebutuhan saat ini, pernyataan ini berlaku untuk kedua sisi ekonomi dan keamanannya. Bravo!

Saya akan mengatakan beberapa kata tentang proyek ICO:
Penjualan berlangsung dari 2 April 2018 hingga 31 Mei 2018.
Harga untuk token adalah 1 UBC = 0,000125 ETH.
Masalah token: 2 000 000 000 UBC.
Target penjualan minimum adalah 2 000 ETH.
Target penjualan maksimum: 179.000 ETH.

Token dengan ICO akan didistribusikan sebagai berikut:
• 40% – untuk pemasaran dan periklanan;
• 35% – untuk mengembangkan teknologi dan peluang baru;
• 17% – promosi aplikasi;
• 8% – biaya untuk sistem verifikasi dan keamanan, dll.

Opera Snapshot_2018-04-23_222835_doc.ubcoin.io.png
Seperti proyek, seperti Ubicoin, Anda langsung percaya. Tanpa kata-kata yang tidak perlu. Itu pasti akan sukses. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat saja daftar mitra:


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UBCOIN – Tukar untuk Barang Nyata

Cryptocurrency menggunakan teknologi terdesentralisasi sehingga pengguna dapat melakukan pembayaran dengan aman dan menghemat uang tanpa harus menggunakan nama mereka atau melalui bank. Mereka didistribusikan melalui buku besar umum (public ledger).

Buku besar umum adalah penyimpanan semua transaksi yang dikonfirmasi sejak dimulainya penciptaan cryptocurrency. Identitas pemilik koin akan dienkripsi dan sistem akan menggunakan teknik cryptocurrency lain untuk memastikan keabsahan catatan. Buku besar memastikan bahwa dompet digital yang sesuai dapat menghitung saldo yang dapat digunakan secara akurat. Selain itu, transaksi baru dapat diperiksa untuk memastikan bahwa setiap transaksi hanya menggunakan koin yang saat ini dimiliki oleh penggunanya. Bitcoin, salah satu cryptocurrency, menyebut buklet ini sebagai istilah blockchain.

Apa itu Pasar Ubcoin?

Ubcoin Marketplace – lompatan berikutnya untuk Ubank, yang memimpin aplikasi pembayaran seluler di Eropa Timur. Sekarang dengan Ethereum blockchain, mata uang UBC yang diperdagangkan di bursa, dan kontrak cerdas peer-to-peer untuk membeli barang-barang untuk cryptocurrency. Pasar Ubcoin akan menjadi bagian dari aplikasi Ubank sebagai fitur baru.


  1. Banyak orang menginginkan cara yang sederhana dan aman untuk mendapatkan saham di cryptocurrency, tetapi tidak tahu caranya. Mereka bukan penambang, bukan spekulan, hanya individu yang melihat nilai tambah dalam berinvestasi di cryptocurrency. Jumlah pemilik cryptocurrency diproyeksikan meningkat dari 22 juta saat ini menjadi lebih dari 200 juta pada tahun 2020.
  2. Namun orang-orang yang sama ini sangat nyaman dengan membeli dan menjual di Ebay, Amazon, WeChat, Etsy, Taobao dan sejenisnya. Di tahun 2016, pasar mencapai 44% dari $ 2.44 triliun dihabiskan online di tahun 2016.
  3. Dompet Cryptocurrency terutama terkonsentrasi pada perangkat mobile, dengan lebih dari 65% dari dompet menjadi mobile. Penetrasi smartphone global diproyeksikan mencapai 37% pada tahun 2020.
  4. Populasi global pembeli digital akan melampaui 2 miliar orang pada tahun 2020.

Produk Marketplace Ubcoin

  • Cryptocurrency mass adoption
    Kami mempromosikan adopsi aset digital secara massal yang merupakan sarana penyelesaian dan sarana investasi, sehingga memperbesar manfaat bagi semua pihak untuk interaksi beli dan jual sehari-hari.
  • Interaksi
    antar -rekan Memotong sebanyak mungkin perantara dari rantai nilai. Platform ini memfasilitasi pelaksanaan kontrak yang cerdas antara pihak independen. The Ubcoin Marketplace tidak memiliki barang untuk dijual, itu tidak bias dalam hasil pencariannya, dan melindungi kewajaran kontrak pintar.
  • Pasar legal
    Kami memberikan perhatian khusus untuk memastikan keabsahan barang dan jasa yang dijual di pasar Ubcoin. Kami sedang mengembangkan teknologi AI canggih untuk membantu memposting pratinjau penjual untuk setiap potensi pelanggaran nalar, moralitas, keselamatan dan perawatan yang wajar. Transparansi dan verifikasi profil penjual akan sangat dianjurkan dan dipromosikan.
  • Desentralisasi transaksi dan pemukiman
    Blockchain memungkinkan inisiasi terdesentralisasi, penyelesaian dan pemenuhan transaksi. Pembayaran segera dilakukan berdasarkan kontrak cerdas yang dibuat dengan hati-hati.
  • Antarmuka sempurna
    Desain antarmuka kami menghadirkan pengalaman belanja dan penjualan yang harmonis dan mulus secara global. Kami akan berusaha untuk membuka API kami kepada komunitas untuk mengembangkan adaptasi terbaik dari platform untuk kebutuhan lokal spesifik dari komunitas global.
  • Komunitas terbuka
    Beberapa transaksi mungkin, di masa depan, memerlukan prosedur tambahan KYC / AML untuk pelaksanaan kontrak cerdas untuk jenis transaksi tertentu yang melibatkan penyedia pihak ketiga (mis. Perusahaan pengiriman, kurir, notaris). Platform Ubcoin memimpikan keterlibatan tanpa batas dari pihak-pihak ini.

Konsumen massal

Dapatkan koin UBC tanpa penambangan atau pertukaran, cukup dengan menjual barang dan jasa. Cara mudah untuk menjadi pemilik-investor dalam mata uang kripto.

Penambang dan investor crypto

Nikmati kekayaan crypto mereka dengan membelanjakan barang dan jasa dunia nyata. Tidak ada konversi ke uang fiat yang diperlukan, transaksi diselesaikan dalam mata uang digital dengan kontrak pintar.

Skema teknis

Platform Ubcoin menerapkan teknologi blockchain untuk membuat, mengelola, dan mengoperasikan cryptocurrency tokenized dan platform itu sendiri.

ICO akan diselenggarakan mulai 2 April hingga 31 Mei




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UBCoin Platform

Table of contents:
  1. Ubcoin platform
  2. Goal
  3. Benefits
  4. Problems and solutions
  5. How does it work
  6. ICO Details
  7. Conclusion

Ubcoin platform

Ubcoin Market is a project developed by the Ubank team. This company has been operating since 2009 and already has many specific developments. So, by 2011 mobile applications NaviFon (navigation) and Utalk (messenger) have already been launched. In 2013-2014, launched a mobile application Ubank, which includes various payment services. It is more focused on the Russian market. For all the time the company has concluded a number of contracts with many banks that provide cash flow, since Ubank is not a bank. There are also agreements with companies such as Sumsung, Fly, Huawei on placing the above applications in their phones by default.
Ubcoin is a mobile application with the help of which users can both sell and buy various goods using the crypto currency, namely using the internal tokens of this application – UBC. In fact, it will be a trading platform, which provides for the creation of comfortable conditions for both buyers and sellers. For each of them, convenient functions and tools will be available, such as tools for promoting advertising and targeting; Advertising statistics (Views, clicks, conversions, reviews, etc.).) and purchase statistics; sales and payment management screens; mechanism of intellectual recommendations, based on previous searches and purchase history; procurement control tools.
The basis for the Ubcoin Marketplace – smart contracts Ethereum Blockchain, which provide proper protection of transactions, their speed and security of conduct. In addition, it is the blockade that acts as a guarantor of the reliability of cooperation between the parties so that they can safely trust each other, working directly with each other, eliminating intermediaries and high risks.


The platform will use the development of numerous tools to provide rich information needed to make decisions regarding the purchase or sale of goods. In particular, extensive and detailed product descriptions, ratings of sellers and buyers, reviews, terms of sale and performance of intellectual contracts.
The project aims to develop in the markets of Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, Latin America.
Ubcoin also plans to create regional marketing teams to support local events, including the formation and development of a regional user of communities, targeted advertising campaigns and coordination of marketing activities. Part of the marketing budget involved with the sale of tokens will be spent on: a more in-depth study of local markets. ICO will attract funds for the rapid development of UbcoinMarket and global expansion.


• Minimum of intermediaries. With the help of the application, the number of participating links in the sales process is minimized as much as possible. Now this process happens P2P, according to the terms of the smart contract.
• Legal protection. The company takes maximum measures for the legitimacy of goods and services on the Ubcoin market. Profiles of sellers will be checked, and any potential violations will be excluded.
• Decentralization. The appendix provides that the initiation, settlement and execution of transactions will be recorded in the block. Thus, all the necessary information will always be available, and, very importantly, no one can change it.
• Interface. The interior of the application is designed taking into account the best world trends, and is designed to create the most convenient conditions for both the seller and the buyer.

How does it work

The procedure for acquiring goods by the buyer is quite simple, but the presence of smart contracts that ensure compliance by all parties with the terms of the transactions adds extra confidence and reliability. The peculiarity of the Ubcoin Marketplace is that all commissions related to its use, although they are relatively low, are paid by the seller of the goods (which is very reminiscent of the tax system in the states), and for the buyer the commission is completely absent.
Most likely, this is due to the fact that buyers of goods are those participants of the marketplace who pre-purchase UBC tokens, and sellers get tokens directly from the buyers themselves.
The rest of the process of buying goods is not much different from buying a thing in an online store. The user has access to an extensive catalog of products with the ability to search by category. When he finds the necessary thing, he has the opportunity to pay for it with the help of UBC tokens. At the same time, to prevent attempts to abuse the platform, a system that prevents fraud, authorization of users within the framework of the KYC (Know Your Customer) policy, as well as a number of other security measures will function.

ICO Details

Token – UBC
Token – April 2 – May 31, 2018
Price of the token – 0.000089 ETH
The minimum amount of fees – 2 000 ETH The
maximum amount of fees – 179 000 ETH
Created tokens – 4 000 000 000 UBC
The UBC token (created on the blockbuster Ethtereum) will be the only used currency on the Ubcoin market. Neither the tools nor any other tokens will be used on this platform. Also a thoughtful system of encouragement for holders of UBC tokens: depending on the number of these tokens on the user’s account, he will be offered all sorts of discounts. It is envisaged that with the help of the reserve fund, the team will be able to prevent speculation in the market with respect to the UBC tokens, and keep its course. Another solution will also be implemented, which will help to strengthen the price of the token, namely, burning 5% of the commissions of all transactions on the platform.


To sum up, Ubcoin wants to help in the massive introduction of crypto currency, create a convenient, peer-to-peer exchange of goods in the legal market, while everything happens in a decentralized and blocking environment. The Ubcoin application provides convenient search tools, facilitates payments and regulates the business relationship between the buyer and the seller, using a set of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockbuster. There is an ever-growing need for online markets, as people simply prefer it to regular purchases for their convenience. Therefore Ubcoin, most likely, will gather potential users, sellers and buyers without any problems. The project seems to have been prepared very well with a lot of transparent and detailed information presented in the documentation.
Everyone should make a decision independently or not to take part in the token-sail.

Author : sendohmarin

Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1686712

RedCab (LLC) – Solusi Transportasi Terdesentralisasi

Tentang RedCab

RedCab LLC menawarkan solusi transportasi bersama yang terdesentralisasi bagi orang-orang. Memanfaatkan vitalitas headchain Blockchain dan pengaturan aktivitas yang luar biasa untuk masa depan yang langsung, langsung, dan inovatif. Dibangun pada tahun 2016, dan didorong pada tahun 2017 dengan panduan yang kuat bagi nasib organisasi transportasi bersama. Konfirmasi Mengemudi dan Bukti Konsep Pemasaran, jalan tangan kanan AI Powered, Geo Ads untuk penyesuaian, dan tindakan yang kuat dari tindakan latihan di lapangan dalam lintasan pendek.

RedCab LLC memberi kemungkinan bagi semua orang untuk menjadi independen sebagai ko-ops spesialis terkoordinasi yang mengambil bidikan pada skala terdistribusi, sementara organisasi taksi bekerja sebagai organisasi spesialis yang mahir.

Rencana tindakan kami dimaksudkan untuk menyampaikan 100% dari keuntungan kepada klien versus 100% laba kepada pengemudi dan organisasi taksi melalui desentralisasi seluruh prosedur.

Program kisi-kisi eksekusi dan hadiah untuk pengemudi dimaksudkan untuk menjamin bahwa setiap perjalanan mendapatkan kualitas yang paling tinggi dari sudut pertemuan klien, sementara faktor mental secara tidak teraktualisasikan secara aktual untuk mewakili bagian kesetiaan konsumen, dan prosedur disiapkan untuk menjamin keamanan dari dua pertemuan.

Rincian Ico

Pra-Penjualan: Mulai 1 Juni 2018 pukul 12:00 AM GMT dan berakhir pada 21 Juni 2018 pukul 11:59 GMT dengan investor pemula mendapatkan Bonus 15% sampai jumlah yang dialokasikan habis terjual atau berakhir fase.
Tanggal Mulai Crowd-Sale Utama: 22 Juni pukul 12:00 AM GMT dan berakhir pada 15 Agustus 2018 pukul 11:59 GMT.
Mata Uang yang Diterima untuk Penjualan Token: Ethereum
Token Nama: REDC
Token Jenis: ERC20
Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
Min Pembelian: 0,1 ETH = 233 REDC
Apa Bursa akan REDC terdaftar? REDC akan terdaftar di bursa yang diatur dan memiliki bukti cadangan, termasuk bursa utama Korea, Jepang dan lainnya yang diakui secara global.

Distribusi Token

9% Tim dan Pendiri
3% Penasihat
1% Bounty
7% Penjualan Swasta
15% Presale
25% Diperuntukkan untuk Proof-Of-Driving & Proof of-Marketing Generasi token.
40% Massa-penjualan

Gambaran Alokasi Anggaran

29% Pengembangan Produk
41% Pemasaran, Akuisisi, dan Kemitraan
13% Manajemen & Dewan Penasihat
11% Admin dan Operasi
6% Hukum


FireShot Pro Screen Capture # 017 - 'RedCab (REDC) Informasi dan rating ICO I TrackICO' - www_trackico_io_ico_redcab_ # statistics.png

Peta Jalan

Di bawah ini adalah kegiatan yang direncanakan sesuai dengan kerangka waktu.

2016 Q1

Ide bisnis datang, dan kami memulai riset bisnis.

Q2 2016

Pengembangan Aplikasi Seluler dimulai – uji coba dan kesalahan pertama.

Q3 2016

Riset pasar dan iterasi bisnis.

Q4 2016

Peluncuran MVP aplikasi seluler. Tayang langsung di Google Play dengan pengemudi dan klien pengendara.

Q1 2017

Tayang di iTunes App Store dengan klien dan operasi yang dimulai di satu Kota Pesisir.

Q2 2017

Pengaturan hukum perusahaan. Situs web pertama diluncurkan http://www.red-cab.co.

Q3 2017

Mengangkat Ronde Pertama Investasi.

Q4 2017

Operasi ekspansi ke 2 kota pesisir Kemitraan dengan Sierra Global Solutions.

Q1 2018

Meluncurkan dan mendesain ulang Situs Web baru http://www.redcab.co. Penciptaan identitas merek.

Q2 2018

Soft Launch & Community Building. Bermitra dengan Vestedsummit.com & SkaleUP Ventures. akuisisi http://www.redcab.io

Q3 2018

Pembuatan REDC Token dan ICO meluncurkan Kemitraan dengan BitPeaks.com.

Q4 2018

Akhir Penjualan Token dan distribusi token kepada kontributor. Kampanye Email Besar-besaran, Media Sosial & PR Digital untuk memperkenalkan RedCab ke seluruh dunia. Bermitra dengan prosesor pembayaran doPAY.

Q1 2019

Pencatatan token REDC di 2 dari 10 Crypto Exchange Top. Cantuman di CoinmarketCap.com. Mulai mengembangkan RedCab Dapp dengan integrasi dompet. Berinvestasi dalam Infrastruktur.

Q2 2019

Perluasan operasi di lapangan di kota-kota terpilih di EMEA dan daerah LATAM. Kemitraan dengan Perusahaan Penerbangan (Nama yang harus dikonfirmasikan).

Q3 2019

Bukti Mengemudi dan Bukti pengembangan produk Pemasaran. Perluas Mitra Layanan Perjalanan, hotel, dan restoran kami. Daftar Token REDC di 1 Bursa Crypto Top 5.

Q4 2019

Rilis iOS dan Android rilis 2.0 dengan integrasi dompet dan pengenalan bot cerdas Cabbi. Memperluas Kantor di Pasar Eropa & Asia.

Q1 2020

Tahap 2 kampanye pemasaran besar-besaran. Naikkan investasi putaran 2. Daftar Token REDC di dua bursa Top 5 Crypto.

Q2 2020

Pengembangan Platform RedCab. Penggalian data dan pengenalan Geo-Ads. Memperkenalkan Bukti-Mengemudi dan Bukti-Of-Marketing. Pelepasan dAPP. Decentralized Escrow Exchange untuk Token REDC untuk memperdagangkan mata uang fiat dalam pertukaran REDC.

Q3 2020

Bermitra dengan olahraga, selebriti, dan figur publik untuk Pemasaran dan eksposur.

Q4 2020

Perluas operasi di darat ke Amerika Utara.

Q1 2021

Cantuman di semua bursa Top 5 Crypto.


Di bawah ini adalah para inovator yang akan bekerja bersama untuk mewujudkan proyek tersebut.


Para Mitra

Dalam usaha tertentu, organisasi menganggap bagian penting dalam membuat kemajuan usaha. Yang menyertainya pasti akan menjadi kaki tangan Red Cab.


Setelah meninjau fakta terkait tentang proyek ini, saya harus mengatakan bahwa ini bernilai investasi untuk 2018. Sangat disarankan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:

Situs web: https://redcab.io/
Whitepapper: https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3835338.0
Telegram: https: // t.me/RedCab_ICO
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/redcab
Twitter: https://twitter.com/redcab_llc
Media: https://medium.com/redcab
Facebook: https: // facebook. com / redcabeg
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/u/Redcab_io

Author : sendohmarin

Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1686712

Eth Addrees : 0x7b3C7D765561933e02E56dF89F437f3AA2D27FD0

RedCab (LLC) — Decentralized Transportation Solution

About RedCab

RedCab LLC offers a decentralized shared transportation answer for people. Utilizing the vitality of Blockchain headways and a wonderful arrangement of activity for a direct, direct, and innovative future. Built up in 2016, and pushed in 2017 with a strong guide unto the destiny of shared transportation organizations. Confirmation of Driving and Proof of Marketing Concepts, AI Powered road right hand, Geo Ads for adjustment, and a strong course of action of on-ground exercises in a short traverse.

RedCab LLC gives the possibility for everyone to independent as coordinated specialist co-ops taking a shot at distributed scale, while taxi organizations work as a collected proficient specialist organization.

Our plan of action is intended to convey 100% of the advantages to clients versus 100% profit to drivers and taxi organizations through decentralizing the entire procedure.

The execution lattice and prizes program for drivers is intended to guarantee that each and every ride gets the most elevated quality from a client encounter angle, while a mental factor is unobtrusively actualized to represent the consumer loyalty part, and procedures are set up to guarantee the security of the two gatherings.

Ico Details

Pre-Sale: Starts 01 June 2018 at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 21 June 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT with early bird investors getting a 15% Bonus till the allocated amount is sold out or phase ends.
Main Crowd-Sale Start Date: 22 June at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 15 August 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT.
Accepted Currency for Token Sale: Ethereum
Token Name: REDC
Token Type: ERC20
Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH = 233 REDC
What Exchanges will REDC be listed on? REDC will be listed on exchanges that are regulated and have proof of reserves, including the Korean, Japanese and other globally recognized major exchanges.

Tokens distribution

9% Team and Founders
3% Advisors
1% Bounty
7% Private Sale
15% Presale
25% Reserved for Proof-Of-Driving & Proof-of-Marketing token generation.
40% Crowd-sale

Budget Allocation Overview

29% Product Development
41% Marketing, Acquisitions, and Partnerships
13% Management & Advisory board
11% Admin and Operations
6% Legal


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The Roadmap

Below are the planned activities suited for a time frame.

2016 Q1

The business Idea came, and we started the business research.

Q2 2016

Mobile App development started – first trial and error.

Q3 2016

Market research and business iteration.

Q4 2016

Mobile app MVP launch. Go live on Google Play with both driver and rider clients.

Q1 2017

Go live on iTunes App Store with both clients and operations commencing in one Coastal City.

Q2 2017

Company legal setup. First website launched http://www.red-cab.co.

Q3 2017

Raised First Round of Investment.

Q4 2017

Operations expansions to 2 coastal cities Partnership with Sierra Global Solutions.

Q1 2018

Launch and redesign new Website http://www.redcab.co. Creation of brand identity.

Q2 2018

Soft Launch & Community Building. Partnership with Vestedsummit.com & SkaleUP Ventures. http://www.redcab.io acquisition

Q3 2018

REDC Token creation and ICO launch Partnership with BitPeaks.com.

Q4 2018

End of Token Sale and token distribution to contributors. Massive Email Campaign, Social Media & Digital PR to introduce RedCab to the world. Partnership with doPAY payment processor.

Q1 2019

Listing of REDC token in 2 of Top 10 Crypto Exchanges. Listing on CoinmarketCap.com. Start developing RedCab Dapp with wallet integration. Invest in Infrastructure.

Q2 2019

Expansion of on-ground operations in selected cities in EMEA and LATAM regions. Partnership with an Airline (Name to be be confirmed).

Q3 2019

Proof of Driving and Proof of Marketing product development. Expand our Travel Service Partners, hotels, and restaurants. Listing of REDC Tokens in 1 Top 5 Crypto Exchanges.

Q4 2019

Release of iOS and Android release 2.0 with wallet integration and Cabbi smart bot introduction. Expand Offices in Europe & Asia Markets.

Q1 2020

Phase 2 of Massive marketing campaign. Raise round 2 of investment. Listing of REDC Tokens in two Top 5 Crypto exchanges.

Q2 2020

RedCab Platform development. Data mining and Geo-Ads introduction. Introduce Proof-of-Driving and Proof-Of-Marketing. Release of dAPP. Decentralized Escrow Exchange for REDC Tokens to trade fiat currency in exchange of REDC.

Q3 2020

Partnership with sports, celebrities, and public figures for Marketing and exposure.

Q4 2020

Expand on-ground operations to North America.

Q1 2021

Listing on all Top 5 Crypto exchanges.

The Team

Below are the innovators who shall work together to realize the project.


The Partners

In a specific venture, organizations assume a critical part in making the undertaking’s progress. The accompanying will undoubtedly be the accomplices of Red Cab.


Upon reviewing related facts about this project, I must say that this is worth investing for 2018. Highly recommended.

For more information, please visit the link below :

Website : https://redcab.io/
Whitepapper : https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf
Bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3835338.0
Telegram: https://t.me/RedCab_ICO
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/redcab
Twitter: https://twitter.com/redcab_llc
Medium: https://medium.com/redcab
Facebook: https://facebook.com/redcabeg
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/u/Redcab_io

Author : sendohmarin

Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1686712

Eth Addrees : 0x7b3C7D765561933e02E56dF89F437f3AA2D27FD0

RedCab – Platform Transportasi Global Terdesentralisasi

RedCab adalah solusi transportasi terdesentralisasi ketika menggunakan teknologi blockchain dan menyediakan transaksi yang efektif dan aman. Perusahaan konsep dan memimpin proyek RedCab adalah “RedCab LLC” , terdaftar di Qesm Hurghada, Red Sea Governorate, Mesir.

Solusi RedCab

Proyek RedCab bertujuan untuk memecahkan tantangan saat ini yang dihadapi oleh masalah dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh sektor transportasi.

Beberapa masalah adalah: –

P1 – ‘Pengemudi dan Penunggang’ – Dengan meningkatnya biaya transportasi, pendapatan pengemudi berkurang dan biaya bisnis lebih banyak untuk mempertahankan driver.

P2 – ‘Model Bisnis’ – Model bisnis layanan transportasi yang ada yang didasarkan pada biaya komisi tinggi dan ongkos perjalanan variabel sesuai permintaan dan penawaran, bertentangan dengan pengalaman konsumen dan laba pengemudi atas investasi.

P3 – ‘Perluasan Pasar dan Biaya Operasi’ Biaya tinggi yang terlibat dalam akuisisi pelanggan karena terlalu bergantung pada pemasaran, promosi, dan diskon bersama dengan penghasilan dan bonus yang dijamin oleh pengemudi.

Solusi yang ditawarkan oleh RedCab adalah sebagai berikut: –

S1. ‘Win Win Situation’ – Skema nol komisi memberikan lebih banyak tabungan bagi pengendara dan penghematan lebih tinggi untuk pengemudi.

S2. ‘Proof of Driving’ – RedCab akan memperkenalkan solusi inovatif berdasarkan konsep proof-of-work , membangun teknologi blockchain dan didukung oleh AI dan prosesor GPS smartphone.

S3. ‘Shared Network’ – RedCab telah memperkenalkan program Red Network Dominance untuk memastikan akuisisi pasar dan penetrasi yang melibatkan pasokan dan permintaan tinggi dengan biaya rendah.

S4. ‘Model Bisnis Unik’ – Melalui Skema Komisi Transparan , RedCab telah meluncurkan model bisnis yang unik yang melaluinya menyediakan sistem layanan transportasi yang sangat baik dan mampu membangun jaringan cerdas sementara memperoleh keuntungan dari pertukaran data.

S5. ‘Bukti Pemasaran’ – RedCab telah membuat konsep program pemasaran rujukan yang unik di mana pengendara diberikan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan token untuk merujuk teman dan keluarga mereka ke RedCab. Jadi ketika jaringan RedCab mereka tumbuh, kucing mereka juga tumbuh dengan token.

S6. ‘Cabbi’ – Perusahaan (RedCab LLC) telah memperkenalkan “Cabbi®” asisten perjalanan pribadi pertama. “Cabbi®”didasarkan pada teknologi jaringan saraf, yang akan membantu dalam melacak perjalanan harian, pertemuan, kunjungan, dan acara.

Layanan Ditawarkan oleh RedCab

Car Hailing
Car Pooling
Hotel dan
Layanan Pengiriman Bandara Layanan Antar


The RedCab (REDC) Token akan token utilitas yang digunakan pada RedCab ekosistem. The RedCab ekosistem akan diselenggarakan pada Ethereum Blockchain Jaringan dan RedCab (REDC) token akan token ERC-20 kompatibel.

Jumlah total token REDC yang akan diterbitkan akan dibatasi hingga 100 Juta token untuk menghindari risiko inflasi (yaitu dengan menjaga jumlah token REDC menjadilangka dan terbatas). Harga per token REDCditetapkan pada 1 ETH = 2333 REDC .

Detail ICO
• Soft Cap: 2143 ETH
• Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
• Pembelian Min: 0,1 ETH = 233,3 REDC

Fase Pra-ICO Sale: – Fase
Pra-ICO akan dimulai pada 1 Juni 2018, 00:00 GMT dan akan berakhir pada 21 Juni 2018, 23:59 GMT. 15% bonus akan diberikan kepada investor early bird sampai targetnya adalah target atau fase berakhir.

Fase Penjualan Utama: –
Penjualan utama token akan dimulai pada 22 Juni 2018, 00:00 GMT dan akan dimulai pada 15 Agustus 2018, 23:59 GMT

Mitra RedCab


Dengan demikian, proyek RedCab adalah salah satu proyek paling menjanjikan yang bertujuan untuk merevolusi sektor transportasi dengan menyelesaikan banyak tantangan saat ini yang dihadapi oleh industri transportasi (penumpang). Dengan menerapkan teknologi blockchain dan mengikuti pendekatan terdesentralisasi, RedCab bertujuan untuk membuat industri transportasi lebih adil dan transparan dan memberikan 100% manfaat kepada pelanggan / pengendara daripada pengemudi dan perusahaan taksi.

Proyek RedCab telah menerima peringkat tinggi dari situs web pelacakan ICO yang terkenal.

Tautan Ulasan ICO: –

https://www.trackico.io/ico/redcab [Rating
5/5 ] https://icobench.com/ico/redcab[Rating
4/5 ] https://icomarks.com/ico/redcab[Peringkat 8.1 / 10]

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek RedCab , silakan lihat tautan berikut: –

* Situs web – https://redcab.io/
* Whitepaper – https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf
* Bergabung di Telegram – https://t.me/RedCab_ICO
* Bergabung di LinkedIn – https: //www.linkedin.com/company/redcab
* Ikuti di Twitter – https://twitter.com/redcab_llc
* Ikuti di Media – https://medium.com/redcab
* Suka dan Ikuti di Facebook – https: // facebook.com/redcabeg
* Ikuti di Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/u/Redcab_io
* Berlangganan di YouTube –

Author : sendohmarin

Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1686712

Eth Addrees : 0x7b3C7D765561933e02E56dF89F437f3AA2D27FD0

RedCab – A Decentralized Global Transportation Platform

RedCab is a decentralized transportation solution while deploys blockchain technology and provides cost effective and secure transactions. The company conceptualizing and leading the RedCab project is “RedCab LLC”, registered at Qesm Hurghada, Red Sea Governorate, Egypt.

RedCab Solutions

The RedCab project aims to solve the current challenges faced by the problems and challenges faced by the transportation sector.

Some of the problems are: –

P1 – ‘Drivers and Riders’ – As the transportation cost increases, driver’s incomes are dwindling and costing the business more to retain the drivers.

P2 – ‘Business Model’ – The existing business model of transportation services which is based on high commission fees and variable trip fare as per demand and supply, conflicts with consumer’s experience and driver’s returns on investment.

P3 – ‘Market Expansion and Operations Cost’ – High cost involved in customer acquisition due to over dependency on marketing, promotions and discounts along with driver’s guaranteed earnings and bonus.

Solutions offered by RedCab are as follows: –

S1. ‘Win Win Situation’ – The zero commission scheme provides more savings for riders and higher savings for drivers.

S2. ‘Proof of Driving’ – RedCab will introduce an innovative solution based on the proof-of-work concept, build on the blockchain technology and powered by AI and smartphone GPS processor.

S3. ‘Shared Network’ – RedCab has introduced Red Network Dominanceprogram to ensure market acquisition and penetration involving high supply and demand at low cost.

S4. ‘Unique Business Model’ – Through Transparent Commission Scheme, RedCab has unveiled a unique business model through which provides an excellent transportation service system and is capable of building a smart network while profiting from the exchange of data.

S5. ‘Proof of Marketing’ – RedCab has conceptualized a unique referral marketing program through which riders are provided an opportunity to earn tokens for referring their friends and family to RedCab. Thus as their RedCab network grows, their kitty also grows with tokens.

S6. ‘Cabbi” – The company (RedCab LLC) has introduced “Cabbi®” the first personal road trip assistant. “Cabbi®” is based on the neural network technology, which will help in tracking daily trips, meetings, visits and events.

Services Offered by RedCab

Car Hailing
Car Pooling
Hotel and Airport Transportation
Delivery Service
Pick-up Service


The RedCab (REDC) Token will be the utility token used on the RedCab ecosystem. The RedCab ecosystem will be hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain Network and the RedCab (REDC) tokens will be ERC-20 compatible tokens.

The total number of REDC tokens to be issued will be limited to 100 Million tokens to avoid the risk of inflation (i.e. by keeping the REDCtoken count scarce and limited). The price per REDC token is fixed at 1 ETH = 2333 REDC.

ICO Details
• Soft Cap: 2143 ETH
• Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
• Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH = 233.3 REDC

Pre-ICO Sale Phase: –
The Pre-ICO phase will start on 1st Jun 2018, 00:00 GMT and would end on 21st Jun 2018, 23:59 GMT. 15% bonus will be provided to early bird investors till the target is target or the phase ends.

Main Sale Phase: –
The token main sale will start on 22nd Jun 2018, 00:00 GMT and would commence on 15th Aug 2018, 23:59 GMT

RedCab Partners


Thus, the RedCab project is one of the most promising projects aiming to revolutionize the transportation sector by solving many of the current challenges faced by the transportation (passenger) industry. By deploying blockchain technology and following a decentralized approach, the RedCab aims to make the transportation industry more fair and transparent and giving 100% benefits to customers / riders rather than drivers and taxi companies.

The RedCab project has received high ratings from reputed ICO tracking websites.

ICO Review Links: –

https://www.trackico.io/ico/redcab [Rating 5 / 5]
https://icobench.com/ico/redcab [Rating 4 / 5]
https://icomarks.com/ico/redcab [Rating 8.1 / 10]

For more information on the RedCab project, please refer the following links: –

*Website – https://redcab.io/
*Whitepaper – https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf
*Join at Telegram – https://t.me/RedCab_ICO
*Join on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/redcab
*Follow on Twitter – https://twitter.com/redcab_llc
*Follow on Medium – https://medium.com/redcab
*Like and Follow on Facebook – https://facebook.com/redcabeg
*Follow on Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/u/Redcab_io
*Subscribe on YouTube –

Author : sendohmarin

Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1686712

Eth Address : 0x7b3C7D765561933e02E56dF89F437f3AA2D27FD0

RedCab – Future Transport Solutions Using Blockchain Technology

The digital revolution has changed our lives to be more comfortable and comfortable in many aspects. The global share economy has reached $ 18 billion by 2017, is expected to reach $ 335 billion by 2025. Uber and Airbnb are two great examples of what can happen if you activate a peer-to-peer economy between community users. However, they are limited to two areas of specific service needs, transportation and lodging. Imagine you can turn everyone into a service provider for just about anything.

Many start-ups have been increasing in the market recently to solve transportation problems. Most of them are successful as a business, but nothing works without damage to social security. Despite the fact that technology has bridged the gap for transportation needs and has managed to solve some problems in the last 10 years, this leaves us with some business model impersonator without iteration or innovation. Customers are not only looking for trendy services, but are looking for truly reliable services with sustainable quality and safety, offering all transport options and services at low competitive prices, and because customers do not like to be misused, so on a rainy day , or a day with heavy traffic; The “high price” rate is not a good move.

RedCab has surveyed part-time drivers, with 91% of the population using automobile applications and having an income up to 87% in flexible working mode. RedCab’s business model ensures a 20% increase in driver revenue with a clear strategy to capitalize on 10 on dominance networks where the time of those who choose to partner with Redcab and manage drives more efficiently.


RedCab LLC. The company was founded to offer a seamless peer to peer transport solution for individuals and businesses through the decentralization of the entire process using blockchain technology. The REDC token will be used as a utility token for everyday transactions that creates a massive demand for restricted restricted stocks. Companies that have existed since 2016 with real field operations. Bringing global innovative solutions through Blockchain to existing market needs with annual demand of $ 230 Billion.


The RedCab LLC team has seen a clear opportunity in the transportation industry for its unique business model to balance business objectives and customer needs, backed by a strong technical platform.

Blockchain technology is regarded as the backbone of this business model from providing secure transactions and quick contracts; it perfectly blends with our business model to deliver a world of decentralized managed and managed transport solutions to people who are ready to serve individuals and support the business.
Service and segmentation for Customers

RedCab LLC has spent enough time understanding customer needs to customize not only travel or transportation stylish from point A to point B but a convenient, secure, and affordable solution that meets everyone’s needs. From business to family and from individual to group, RedCab LLC manages to categorize car models as needed, without limitation for certain segments and to ensure all travel demands are covered.
Economic Cabin : RedCab selects cars carefully with a focus on affordability.

Less fuel consumption means lower tariffs. The economic journey is for the use of the City. Short and quick daily trips

Luxury Cabin : Luxury car for those who want to arrive in style and do not mind the additional cost

Family Cab : The bigger type of car to take the kids for a long trip or go out with the whole family. Suitable for special care or senior citizens. Family Cab is a unique feature of RedCab LLC for the extra care of children and seniors.

Red Cab : Red Super colored car. This is the last trip. Users will pay a lot, and the driver will make more on the tokens. But the impression it will go … Priceless!

RedCab has plans to expand its presence worldwide with a clear expansion plan in most tourist attractions. In 7 locations

-Latin America


-Asia Pacific

Technology & Applications
From the technical aspect to the business model, a dedicated research team spends a full year studying needs, assessing market gaps and exploring potentials with a focus on the driver’s experience and driver’s needs.

One of the key aspects of RedCab’s business approach is global reach. RedCab has 6 Languages in its app and links to Global maps to be matched and includes different user experiences, as well as diverse car choices and categories from RedCab, covering all travel needs.

The first beta version of Mobile Apps was aired in 2017 both in the App Store and Google play, and the soft launch took place at a small tourist spot by the Red Sea for more hand operations and to test the car calling service, consuming most of our business models. We see great potential in the industry and growing demand in all metropolitan cities in the hope of future growth for the industry reaching $ 285 Billion by 2030.


Advisory Team

Viewing Goals, Roadmaps and Team that RedCab owns. This project looks very promising, if you buy Token Redcab. Join today as you will get a big bonus of up to 40% in exclusive personal sales by signing up and contacting the RedCab team.
Redcab is currently preparing for the following top exchanges listing the top Exchange plans they will present

The information I provide is only a small part of this Project. You can visit them by visiting the Website and other official sites, following the official list of Websites etc from this project
WEBSITE: https://redcab.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/redcab_llc
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/redcabeg
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/redcab_ICO

Author : sendohmarin

My Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1686712

My ETH Addrees : 0x7b3C7D765561933e02E56dF89F437f3AA2D27FD0


Distributed projects, valuable for potential investors and investors, are one of the projects that are growing rapidly, as changes in the digital assets exchange this year become very large. The definition of this network uses an extremely unique topic for other platforms in the world and has an investment process with an equilibrium value and profit exceeding the capital needed for modern digital asset trading. GigTricks is a block-platform that originally represented original ideas in a symbolic economic and economic market where people can start trading, a platform for exchanging digital assets.


The GigTricks Limited is a private company that is limited by shares and is incorporated in Gibraltaar in accordance with the Companies Act 2014 and with the registration number 117112. Gibraltar was chosen to be established due to the understanding that its jurisdiction is crypto-friendly.

There are people who direct the GigTricks company. The function of these directors is to be responsible for the activities of the company and to oversee the Company’s activities on a day to day basis. The directors shall exercise their powers in accordance with the Company’s articles of association and their fiduciary duties to the Company. They are vested with all the powers to perform all acts that are necessary or useful to manage and control the business of the company and the development of the GigTricks platform.


The GigTricks company is seeking to create a completely upgraded version of the current freelancing platforms that will be futuristic in its ability to offer various opportunities, minimize the risks and create a winning scenario for all stakeholders that are involved. GigTricks have a vision in which they plan to become a reality. This vision can become a reality as it creates a viable, accessible and low cost freelance platform that will seek to benefit as many countries as possible!!!


The GigTricks ecosystem architecture has been designed to be highly scalable to ensure its flexibility. This simply means that the freelancers will be able to sell/market their products and/or services online or offline as a part of the ecosystem. For example, a digital marketer could develop and also offer a course or sell a product or service on the GigTricks platform either online or offline (that is, in person). The freelancer can then recieve payment via the GigTricks crypto tokens named as the GigBit token (GBTC).

The GigTricks platform aims to make global adoption an effortless process.


The GIgBit token (GBTC) is based on ER20 format and it works in the Ethereum nettwork because it will make it easily adoptable by the community and by the market. The Ethereum based token is a good solution for regular payments that are above small amounts such as $0.0001. GigTicks will utilize GigBit credits for micropayments to make them more cost-effective. The Gigbit credits are not tradable. They will be issued by the platform and can be converted to GigBit tokens only. The GigBit credits cannot be sent from one user to another, otr outside the platform.

This crypto token (GBTC) is intended to enable a means of payment across the ecosystem for its participants globally. The token can be used for: In-app transaction for unlocking products or services, Users subscriptions, Community rewards, Advertising, Royalty payments, and Freelancer tipping.

The token will also serve to equalize the playing field and set a benchmark for the services which will be provided.


The GigTricks Social platform aims to allow the users to earn GigBit tokens by simply publishing and/or viewing social content. The GigBit tokens can be used as a means of payment for additional skill tests in GigTricks Pro or to access premium services like GigTricks Learning which will seek to enable the user to learn additional skills. The users will be able to view both the freelancers’ overall profile rating, their specific skill ratings and reviews and this decreases the communication time between the clients and freelancers by over 90% percent. Although, if any dispute arises, gigtricks has already implemented an incentivized voting system which increases trust and engagemant. The world wide or global markets are expanding, and business throughout the world are now able to build grow and scale their business in a much faster way!!!







  • 75%
  • 50%
  • 25%


Website: https://www.gigtricks.io/

Whitepaper: http://regerie-waskitty.com/4d017c36-d716-48f8-b731-f2b2b41a3c7a

Token Sale: https://www.gigtricks.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/gigtricks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gigtricksglobal

Author : sendohmarin

Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1686712;sa=forumProfile

Will INGOT COIN be Able to Bridge Cryptocurrency With Traditional Financial Markets?


Currently, the financial system lacks in efficiency and transparency. Generally, despite the popularity of blockchain and cryptocurrency, there are some problems, such as:

• Lack of connection between traditional financial and cryptocurrency markets.
• Current market ineffective structure.
• High fees in financial markets.
• Impractical crypto exit strategies.
• Lack of trust in crypto markets.

These problems make many investors abandon profitable investment opportunities. INGOT Ecosystem offers a comprehensive solution to all these problems.

This solution is the creation of an ecosystem that links cryptocurrency markets with the traditional investment and economic markets, thereby creating a bridge to effectively moderate how these two different ecosystems can coexist and correlate to improve their independent financial prospects and benefits to the investor.

IC Ecosystem will be the first in linking the crypto universe to the current traditional world.

The IC Ecosystem includes:
IC Wallet, IC Exchange, IC Digital Bank, IC ICO Accelerator, IC Brokerage, and IC Crypto Certifier.

IC Wallet is the main multicurrency crypto wallet intended for sending, receiving, storing digital assets. It will integrate a digital bank that will allow you to safely exchange or buy a cryptocurrency for cash. It has several levels of protection and prevents hack attempts.

IC Exchange will be integrated securely with the IC Wallet, IC Digital Bank, and IC Brokerage through a user-friendly platform. It will be listing major coins and new ICOs to familiarize market participants with it.

IC Brokerage is the liquidity center that provides access to all financial products. In this service, the purchase of shares, metals, currency and other world assets is represented. Along with the above modules, IC Brokerage provides hundreds of options for trading when the market is in an uncertain state.

IC Digital Bank is a service, which automates payment processing using web services. It facilitates the operation of IC Brokerage and IC Exchange modules and provides services for working with accounts by e-payments.

IC Crypto Certifier will educate all interested people on the blockchain technology, IT consulting, compliance, cryptography, and financial consulting. Graduates receive an industry-leading globally distinguished certificate.

IC ICO Accelerator is a help to new startups and entrepreneurs such as PR services, assistance with the creation of Whitepaper, assistance in financing, documentation, in general, the entire range of services that are required for the ICO. IC ICO Accelerator will also list their tokens on IC Exchange.

Advantages of INGOT COIN

• Security.
• Highly liquid exchange.
• Multicurrency exchange.
• Minimizing the risks.
• Debit card.

Token and ICO Details – https://www.ingotcoin.io/
The INGOT COIN (IC) token was developed for the platform, allowing to satisfy the needs of both beginners and experienced traders. Beginners in this field will be able to start with a minimum capital. Its trade is planned on different exchanges and provides fair and equal conditions, regardless of the volume of trade and seed capital. One of the attractive points is the fact that upon achieving a solid capitalization, holders of the INGOT token will be paid dividends. Using tokens within the platform as a payment will give users discounts between 5 to 50%.

Ticker: ICC
Type: ERC20
ICO start date: July 1
ICO end date: August 11
Hard Cap: 90,000,000 USD
Minimum contribution size: 100 USD
Total supply: 120,000,000 IC
Price: 1 IC = 1 USD
Accepted purchase: USD, ETH, BTC, XRP, and other cryptocurrencies.

Author : sendohmarin

Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile